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Jim Liberato - Guitars, Vocals
Born and raised in Hawaii and with family ties to Eugene Oregon since the early 70’s, Jim has been a musician and an entertainer most of his life. Moved to Eugene in 2007. Lives and works in the community as a city bus driver. Husband, Father of 2, Grandfather of 2, and a cancer survivor, “ (LTD)Living The Dream is a dream come true for me. Life, love, and the pursuit of happiness is what it’s all about for me. Rock On” My first studio recording project can be found at Aloha



Tavin Yahn - Drums
His parents bought him his first drum set in the 3rd grade and he has been hooked and booked ever since. He was a band nerd from elementary to high school in the Torrance California School District. Their claim to fame for the high school marching band was to play the half time show for the Los Angeles Rams football game at the L.A. Coliseum in 1978. In 1979 he moved to Eugene and started his 80’s Top 40’s career traveling through the Northwest and Canada with the Essex Band and Chrome Deluxe. After his three children were born he settled down to local gigs with the Bullit Band for the last 23 years. In the last four years he has found a renewed inspiration with his Roland electronic drum set.


Steve Graham - Guitar, Vocals


Grew up in Southern California where I picked up guitar at 12 years old and tried my hand at everything from garage to bar to club bands.

I had a life plan at 16 that consisted of playing big league baseball or to make it big as a rock star. I thought at minimum I could make a living at slinging guitars in clubs but life intervened (thankfully) and while I took on bands/projects over the years there was nothing that led to stadiums or jumbo-trons.

Spent most of my adult life raising a family where I was also able to lend a hand with a long list of churches that needed a guitar player on the weekends. I keep busy most days selling Peterbilt Trucks for a local commercial truck dealer and I'm blessed with a marriage of 28 years along with two amazing mostly grown children.

I still love talking baseball, obsessively chasing guitar tone and take time fish when I can on the weekends.

Music has always been a great companion for me even during my greatest life challenges and I'm excited about the opportunity to see where this goes. 



Marshall Lockwood - Bass Guitar


Bass Guitar 2
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